Styler Configurator

Конфігуратор стилю

The styler configurator is primarily used to control the appearance of the text in Notepad++, but it also allows you to tweak some of the other aspects that have a user configurable color. Конфігуратор стилю передусім служить, щоб управляти видом тексту в Notepad ++, але він дозволяє вам налаштовувати деякі інші параметри, що стосуються кольору користувача.

The styler configurator has two lists. The left list (Language) contains all the languages that can be styled, as well as other items with some color setting:

  • Global Styles: controls the user interface colors.
  • Search results: The text of the Search results window.
  • DOS style: Highlighting text as if displayed on a command.vom/cmd.exe shell window.

The list on the right (Style) has all the configurable styles for the selected language.

For most languages it is straightforward what each property does, so only the global setup and the exceptions are mentioned here.

Конфігуратор стилю має два списки. Лівий список (Мова) містить усі мови, які можуть бути стилізовані, а також інші елементи з кольоровим налаштіванням:

  • Глобальні Стилі: управляє кольорами інтерфейсу користувача.
  • Результати пошуку: текст Вікна результатів пошуку.
  • Стиль DOS: Підсвічування тексту як у вікні командного процесора command.vom/cmd.exe.

Список справа (Стиль) (Стиль) має усі стилі налаштування для вибраної мови..

Для більшості мов властивісті визначені, тут йде мова тільки про глобальні установки і виняткові стани.

Dialog options:
Transparency enable transparent dialog. The slider controls the amount of transparency. Note that transparency is only available on Windows 2000 and later.
Style themes:
A style theme is a complete collection of style properties (see below), foa all languages and global settings. At any given time, one theme is active, and you can change it at any time using the dropdown list at the top of the dialog. The list is read at startup from the themes\ configuration subfolder, but you can add to it later using the Preferences -> Import -> Import theme file(s) command.
Style properties:
All styles have some properties assigned to them. Som styles have properties that others do not have, such as a background color. If a property is not available it is simply greyed out.
Опції діалогу:
Елемент управлінняПрозорість перемикає прозорість діалогового вікна. Повзунок управляє ступенем прозорості. Зауважте, що прозорість доступна тільки на Windows 2000 і пізніших версіях.
Теми стилю :
Тема стилю - повна колекція властивостей (див. нижче) стилю для усіх мов і глобальних налаштувань. Завжди активна одна тема, і ви можете змінити її в будь-який час, використовуючи випадний список зверху діалогового вікна. Список читається при запуску з конфігураційної підтеки "themes", але ви можете додати до нього тему пізніше, використовуючи Опції -> Імпортувати -> Імпорт тем .
Властивості стилю :
Усі стилі мають призначені їм властивості. Деякі стилі мають властивості, яких не мають інші, наприклад, колір тла. Якщо властивість недоступна, вона має сірий колір.
  • Clicking on the color box shows a popup with a few default colors. Clicking on those will change the color to that. Click More Colours... to manually specify a color. Either color can be rightclicked upon, if enabled, to leave the color property 'blank'. The style will then use the default color instead.
  • Foreground color: The 'main' color. For text this is the color of the characters.
  • Background color: For text this is the background 'filler' color.
  • Font Name: The font to use when drawing the text. Leave blank to use the default.
  • Font size: Size of the font (in points) to use when drawing text. Leave blank to use the default.
  • Bold: Check if you want to use bold text.
  • Italic: Check if you want to use italic text.
  • Underline: Check if you want to use underlined text.
  • Clicking on the color box shows a popup with a few default colors. Clicking on those will change the color to that. Click More Colours... to manually specify a color. Either color can be rightclicked upon, if enabled, to leave the color property 'blank'. The style will then use the default color instead.
  • Foreground color: The 'main' color. For text this is the color of the characters.
  • Background color: For text this is the background 'filler' color.
  • Font Name: The font to use when drawing the text. Leave blank to use the default.
  • Font size: Size of the font (in points) to use when drawing text. Leave blank to use the default.
  • Bold: Check if you want to use bold text.
  • Italic: Check if you want to use italic text.
  • Underline: Check if you want to use underlined text.

If a regular language is selected, two edit controls are shown:

  • Default ext.: default file extensions associated with this language. If a file is opened with that extension, Notepad++ will switch to that language.
  • User ext.: user definable list of extensions (space separated).

When a style is selected that has special keywords assigned to it, selecting that style will also display two extra edit controls:

  • Default keywords: These are the keywords used by default of the given language.
  • User Define keywords: These are (space separated) keywords you can enter yourself to supplement the default ones. The style will then only be applied if a word in the text equals to the keywords (variations can occur depending on the language, because syntax can be different).

If a regular language is selected, two edit controls are shown:

  • Default ext.: default file extensions associated with this language. If a file is opened with that extension, Notepad++ will switch to that language.
  • User ext.: user definable list of extensions (space separated).

When a style is selected that has special keywords assigned to it, selecting that style will also display two extra edit controls:

  • Default keywords: These are the keywords used by default of the given language.
  • User Define keywords: These are (space separated) keywords you can enter yourself to supplement the default ones. The style will then only be applied if a word in the text equals to the keywords (variations can occur depending on the language, because syntax can be different).

Special languages:

Special languages:

Global Styles: (default styles + user interface styles)

Global Styles: (default styles + user interface styles)

Global Override
This style can override every single other style, and has a few options beside the default style properties. Each checkbox below the default styling options specifies what global property to apply. If a property is blank the style will not be applied (however bold, italic and underline do globally disable those properties if unchecked but enabled).
Default Style
Default style properties to base other styles on. Leaving properties blank results in undefined behavior.
Global Override
This style can override every single other style, and has a few options beside the default style properties. Each checkbox below the default styling options specifies what global property to apply. If a property is blank the style will not be applied (however bold, italic and underline do globally disable those properties if unchecked but enabled).
Default Style
Default style properties to base other styles on. Leaving properties blank results in undefined behavior.
Indent_Guideline_Style">Indent Guideline
Indent_Guideline_Style"> Colors to use for the indent guideline. The guideline is made of alternating colors, these can be specified using the fore- and background color options.
Indent_Guideline_Style"> Brace_Highlight_Style">Brace Highlight Style
Brace_Highlight_Style"> Highlighted braces use this style. All properties can be adjusted.
Brace_Highlight_Style"> Bad brace colour
Brace_Highlight_Style"> If brace highlighting fails because no matching brace can be found, the brace is drawn with this style.
Brace_Highlight_Style"> Current_line_background_colour">Current line background colour
Current_line_background_colour"> Control the background color of the active line highlight if it is enabled. Cannot be set to blank value.
Current_line_background_colour"> Selected text colour
Current_line_background_colour"> Color of the background of selected text. Cannot be set to blank value.
Current_line_background_colour"> Caret_colour">Caret colour
Caret_colour"> Color of the caret. Cannot be set to blank value.
Caret_colour"> Edge_colour">Edge colour
Edge_colour"> Color of the vertical edge. Cannot be set to blank value.
Edge_colour"> Line_number_margin">Line number margin
Line_number_margin"> Controls the style of the line number margin. All properties can be adjusted. This also controls the background of the bookmark margin.
Line_number_margin"> Fold">Fold
Fold"> Controls the color of the fold indicators (not the margin itself). Cannot be set to blank values.
Fold"> Fold Margin
Fold"> Controls the colors of the fold margin background. Fore- and background color alternate in a checkerboard pattern with each pixel.
Fold"> White_space_symbol">White space symbol
White_space_symbol"> Controls the foreground color of whitespace. This is only visible if the drawing of whitespace characters is enabled or any style that is applied to whitespace is set to underlined. Cannot be set to blank value.
White_space_symbol"> Smart_Highlighting">Smart Highlighting;
Smart_Highlighting"> When enabled, applies to all occurrences of the text beeing selected.
Smart_Highlighting"> Find_Mark_Style">Mark style #
Find_Mark_Style"> # is between 1 and 5. This setting will define the highlighting used in conjunction with Search-&gr;Mark All->Using #st style
Find_Mark_Style"> Find_Mark_Style">Find Mark Style;
Find_Mark_Style"> When Style token found is checked on the Find dialog, and the Find all is executed, applies to all occurrences of matched pattern.
Find_Mark_Style"> Incremental_highlight_all">Incremental highlight all;
Incremental_highlight_all"> Applies when incremental search is in progress.
Incremental_highlight_all"> Tags_match_highlighting">Tags match highlighting;
Tags_match_highlighting"> When enabled, applies to the tags that match.
Tags_match_highlighting"> Tags attribute
Tags_match_highlighting"> Controls the background color used for said property. Cannot be set to blank value.
Tags_match_highlighting"> Active_tab_focused">Active tab focused
Active_tab_focused"> Determines the color used fore the line (if enabled) drawn on the active tab of the active view. Cannot be set to blank value.
Indent_Guideline_Style">Indent Guideline
Indent_Guideline_Style"> Colors to use for the indent guideline. The guideline is made of alternating colors, these can be specified using the fore- and background color options.
Indent_Guideline_Style"> Brace_Highlight_Style">Brace Highlight Style
Brace_Highlight_Style"> Highlighted braces use this style. All properties can be adjusted.
Brace_Highlight_Style"> Bad brace colour
Brace_Highlight_Style"> If brace highlighting fails because no matching brace can be found, the brace is drawn with this style.
Brace_Highlight_Style"> Current_line_background_colour">Current line background colour
Current_line_background_colour"> Control the background color of the active line highlight if it is enabled. Cannot be set to blank value.
Current_line_background_colour"> Selected text colour
Current_line_background_colour"> Color of the background of selected text. Cannot be set to blank value.
Current_line_background_colour"> Caret_colour">Caret colour
Caret_colour"> Color of the caret. Cannot be set to blank value.
Caret_colour"> Edge_colour">Edge colour
Edge_colour"> Color of the vertical edge. Cannot be set to blank value.
Edge_colour"> Line_number_margin">Line number margin
Line_number_margin"> Controls the style of the line number margin. All properties can be adjusted. This also controls the background of the bookmark margin.
Line_number_margin"> Fold">Fold
Fold"> Controls the color of the fold indicators (not the margin itself). Cannot be set to blank values.
Fold"> Fold Margin
Fold"> Controls the colors of the fold margin background. Fore- and background color alternate in a checkerboard pattern with each pixel.
Fold"> White_space_symbol">White space symbol
White_space_symbol"> Controls the foreground color of whitespace. This is only visible if the drawing of whitespace characters is enabled or any style that is applied to whitespace is set to underlined. Cannot be set to blank value.
White_space_symbol"> Smart_Highlighting">Smart Highlighting;
Smart_Highlighting"> When enabled, applies to all occurrences of the text beeing selected.
Smart_Highlighting"> Find_Mark_Style">Mark style #
Find_Mark_Style"> # is between 1 and 5. This setting will define the highlighting used in conjunction with Search-&gr;Mark All->Using #st style
Find_Mark_Style"> Find_Mark_Style">Find Mark Style;
Find_Mark_Style"> When Style token found is checked on the Find dialog, and the Find all is executed, applies to all occurrences of matched pattern.
Find_Mark_Style"> Incremental_highlight_all">Incremental highlight all;
Incremental_highlight_all"> Applies when incremental search is in progress.
Incremental_highlight_all"> Tags_match_highlighting">Tags match highlighting;
Tags_match_highlighting"> When enabled, applies to the tags that match.
Tags_match_highlighting"> Tags attribute
Tags_match_highlighting"> Controls the background color used for said property. Cannot be set to blank value.
Tags_match_highlighting"> Active_tab_focused">Active tab focused
Active_tab_focused"> Determines the color used fore the line (if enabled) drawn on the active tab of the active view. Cannot be set to blank value.
Active tab unfocused
Determines the color used fore the line (if enabled) drawn on the active tab of the inactive view. Cannot be set to blank value.
Active tab text
Foreground color of the text for an active tab. Cannot be set to blank value.
Inactive tabs
Foreground color controls the color of the text of inactive tabs. Background color controls the color that is used to fill the tab with if inactive tabs, if drawing of inactive tabs is enabled.
Search result
Controls the appearance of search results when shown in the search results window.
All text in the window which is not highlighted uing another style
Search Header
The topmost line, wich shows the search pattern, number of files and number of hits
File Header
Shows the file name and number of hits on that file
Line Number
Clickable line numbers which lead straight to the match
Hit Word
The match itself
Selected Line
Any selected text
Current line background colour
How this line shows. Right click the color to suppress this highlighting.
Dos Style
The Dos language uses a special font called MSLINEDRAW to enable “box-art” for files written in the old Dos codepage. You can only control the fore- and background color of the text (applied to all the text). The font properties are derived from the default style (with the exception of the font name, which is always MSLINEDRAW).
Active tab unfocused
Determines the color used fore the line (if enabled) drawn on the active tab of the inactive view. Cannot be set to blank value.
Active tab text
Foreground color of the text for an active tab. Cannot be set to blank value.
Inactive tabs
Foreground color controls the color of the text of inactive tabs. Background color controls the color that is used to fill the tab with if inactive tabs, if drawing of inactive tabs is enabled.
Search result
Controls the appearance of search results when shown in the search results window.
All text in the window which is not highlighted uing another style
Search Header
The topmost line, wich shows the search pattern, number of files and number of hits
File Header
Shows the file name and number of hits on that file
Line Number
Clickable line numbers which lead straight to the match
Hit Word
The match itself
Selected Line
Any selected text
Current line background colour
How this line shows. Right click the color to suppress this highlighting.
Dos Style
The Dos language uses a special font called MSLINEDRAW to enable “box-art” for files written in the old Dos codepage. You can only control the fore- and background color of the text (applied to all the text). The font properties are derived from the default style (with the exception of the font name, which is always MSLINEDRAW).